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Natural Flavonol, Myricetin, Enhances the Function and Survival of Cryopreserved Hepatocytes In Vitro and In Vivo. Int J Mol Sci. 20(24):6123, 2019. Saito K, Kuwahara A, Ishikawa T, Morisaki N, Miyado M, Miyado K, Fukami M, Miyasaka N, Ishihara O, Irahara M, Saito H. Reply: Artificial cycle 'per se' or the specific protocol of endometrial preparation as responsible for obstetric complications of frozen cycle? Hum Reprod. 34(12):2554-2555, 2019. Sasaki H, Hamatani T, Kamijo S, Iwai M, Kobanawa M, Ogawa S, Miyado K, Tanaka M. Impact of Oxidative Stress on Age-Associated Decline in Oocyte Developmental Competence. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 10:811, 2019. Muraya K, Kawasaki T, Yamamoto T, Akutsu H. Enhancement of Cellular Adhesion and Proliferation in Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells by the Direct Addition of Recombinant Collagen I Peptide to the Culture Medium. Biores Open Access. 8(1):210-218, 2019. Ito C, Akutsu H, Yao R, Yoshida K, Yamatoya K, Mutoh T, Makino T, Aoyama K, Ishikawa H, Kunimoto K, Tsukita S, Noda T, Kikkawa M, Toshimori K. Odf2 haploinsufficiency causes a new type of decapitated and decaudated spermatozoa, Odf2-DDS, in mice. Sci Rep. 9(1):14249, 2019. Chen LH , Sung TC , Lee HH , Higuchi A , Su HC , Lin KJ , Huang YR , Ling QD , Kumar SS , Alarfaj AA , Munusamy MA , Nasu M , Chen DC , Hsu ST , Chang Y, Lee KF , Wang HC , Umezawa A . Xeno-free and feeder-free culture and differentiation of human embryonic stem cells on recombinant vitronectin-grafted hydrogels. Biomater Sci. 7(10):4345-4362, 2019. Shindo M, Inui M, Kang W, Tamano M, Tingwei C, Takada S, Hibino T, Yoshida M, Yoshida K, Okada H, Iwamoto T, Miyado K, Kawano N. Deletion of a Seminal Gene Cluster Reinforces a Crucial Role of SVS2 in Male Fertility. Int J Mol Sci. 20(18):4557, 2019. Gao Y, Ku NJ, Sung TC, Higuchi A, Hung CS, Lee HH, Ling QD, Cheng NC, Umezawa A, Barro L, Burnouf T, Ye Q, Chen H. The effect of human platelet lysate on the differentiation ability of human adipose-derived stem cells cultured on ECM-coated surfaces. J Mater Chem B. 7(45):7110-7119, 2019. Aoto S, Katagiri S, Wang Y, Pagnamenta AT, Sakamoto-Abutani R, Toyoda M, Umezawa A, Okamura K. Frequent retrotransposition of endogenous genes in ERCC2-deficient cells derived from a patient with xeroderma pigmentosum. Stem Cell Res Ther. 10(1):273, 2019. Sung TC, Yang JS, Yeh CC, Liu YC, Jiang YP, Lu MW, Ling QD, Kumar SS, Chang Y, Umezawa A, Chen H, Higuchi A. The design of a thermoresponsive surface for the continuous culture of human pluripotent stem cells. Biomaterials. 221:119411, 2019. Saito K, Kuwahara A, Ishikawa T, Morisaki N, Miyado M, Miyado K, Fukami M, Miyasaka N, Ishihara O, Irahara M, Saito H. Endometrial preparation methods for frozen-thawed embryo transfer are associated with altered risks of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, placenta accreta, and gestational diabetes mellitus. Hum Reprod. 34(8):1567-1575, 2019. Sasaki K, Shiba K, Nakamura A, Kawano N, Satouh Y, Yamaguchi H, Morikawa M, Shibata D, Yanase R, Jokura K, Nomura M, Miyado M, Takada S, Ueno H, Nonaka S, Baba T, Ikawa M, Kikkawa M, Miyado K, Inaba K. Publisher Correction: Calaxin is required for cilia-driven determination of vertebrate laterality. Commun Biol. 2(1):254, 2019. Sasaki K, Shiba K, Nakamura A, Kawano N, Satouh Y, Yamaguchi H, Morikawa M, Shibata D, Yanase R, Jokura K, Nomura M, Miyado M, Takada S, Ueno H, Nonaka S, Baba T, Ikawa M, Kikkawa M, Miyado K, Inaba K. Erratum: Publisher Correction: Calaxin is required for cilia-driven determination of vertebrate laterality. Commun Biol. 2:254, 2019. Umezawa A, Hasegawa A, Inoue M, Tanuma-Takahashi A, Kajiwara K, Makino H, Chikazawa E, Okamoto A. Amnion-derived cells as a reliable resource for next- generation regenerative medicine. Placenta. 84:50-56, 2019. Sasaki K, Shiba K, Nakamura A, Kawano N, Satouh Y, Yamaguchi H, Morikawa M, Shibata D, Yanase R, Jokura K, Nomura M, Miyado M, Takada S, Ueno H, Nonaka S, Baba T, Ikawa M, Kikkawa M, Miyado K, Inaba K. Calaxin is required for cilia-driven determination of vertebrate laterality. Commun Biol. 2:226, 2019. Ogawa S, Yamada M, Nakamura A, Sugawara T, Nakamura A, Miyajima S, Harada Y, Ooka R, Okawa R, Miyauchi J, Tsumura H, Yoshimura Y, Miyado K, Akutsu H, Tanaka M, Umezawa A, Hamatani T. Zscan5b Deficiency Impairs DNA Damage Response and Causes Chromosomal Aberrations during Mitosis. Stem Cell Reports. 12(6):1366-1379, 2019. Yazawa T, Imamichi Y, Yuhki KI, Uwada J, Mikami D, Shimada M, Miyamoto K, Kitano T, Takahashi S, Sekiguchi T, Suzuki N, Rafiqul Islam Khan M, Ushikubi F, Umezawa A, Taniguchi T. Cyclooxygenase-2 is acutely induced by CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β to produce prostaglandin E2 and F2α following gonadotropin stimulation in Leydig cells. Mol Reprod Dev. 86(7):786-797, 2019. Miyado M, Kang W, Kawano N, Miyado K. Microexosomes versus exosomes: Shared components but distinct structures. Regen Ther. 11:31-33, 2019. Yazawa T, Imamichi Y, Sekiguchi T, Miyamoto K, Uwada J, Khan MRI, Suzuki N, Umezawa A, Taniguchi T. Transcriptional Regulation of Ovarian Steroidogenic Genes: Recent Findings Obtained from Stem Cell-Derived Steroidogenic Cells. Biomed Res Int. 2019:8973076, 2019. Inoue M, Kajiwara K, Yamaguchi A, Kiyono T, Samura O, Akutsu H, Sago H, Okamoto A, Umezawa A. Autonomous trisomic rescue of Down syndrome cells. Lab Invest. 99(6):885-897, 2019. Ozeki M, Asada R, Saito AM, Hashimoto H, Fujimura T, Kuroda T, Ueno S, Watanabe S, Nosaka S, Miyasaka M, Umezawa A, Matsuoka K, Maekawa T, Yamada Y, Fujino A, Hirakawa S, Furukawa T, Tajiri T, Kinoshita Y, Souzaki R, Fukao T. Efficacy and safety of sirolimus treatment for intractable lymphatic anomalies: A study protocol for an open-label, single-arm, multicenter, prospective study (SILA). Regen Ther . 10:84-91, 2019. Ogushi K, Hattori A, Suzuki E, Shima H, Izawa M, Yagasaki H, Horikawa R, Uetake K, Umezawa A, Ishii T, Muroya K, Namba N, Tanaka T, Hirano Y, Yamamoto H, Soneda S, Matsubara K, Kagami M, Miyado M, Fukami M. DNA Methylation Status of SHOX-Flanking CpG Islands in Healthy Individuals and Short Stature Patients with Pseudoautosomal Copy Number Variations. Cytogenet Genome Res. 158(2):56-62, 2019. Iwai M, Hamatani T, Nakamura A, Kawano N, Kanai S, Kang W, Yoshii N, Odawara Y, Yamada M, Miyamoto Y, Saito T, Saito H, Miyado M, Umezawa A, Miyado K, Tanaka M. Membrane protein CD9 is repositioned and released to enhance uterine function. Lab Invest. 99(2):200-209, 2019. 2018 Ito C, Yamatoya K, Yoshida K, Fujimura L, Sugiyama H, Suganami A, Tamura Y, Hatano M, Miyado K, Toshimori K. Deletion of Eqtn in mice reduces male fertility and sperm-egg adhesion. Reproduction. 156(6):579-590, 2018. Iwai M, Harada Y, Miyabayashi R, Kang W, Nakamura A, Kawano N, Miyamoto Y, Yamada M, Hamatani T, Miyado M, Yoshida K, Saito H, Tanaka M, Umezawa A, Miyado K. Chemotactic behavior of egg mitochondria in response to sperm fusion in mice. Heliyon. 4(11):e00944, 2018. Seko Y, Iwanami M, Miyamoto-Matsui K, Takita S, Aoi N, Umezawa A, Kato S. The manner of decay of genetically defective EYS gene transcripts in photoreceptor-directed fibroblasts derived from retinitis pigmentosa patients depends on the type of mutation. Stem Cell Res Ther. 9(1):279, 2018. Iso Y, Usui S, Toyoda M, Spees JL, Umezawa A, Suzuki H. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells inhibit vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and neointimal hyperplasia after arterial injury in rats. Biochem Biophys Rep. 16:79-87, 2018. Yasuda S, Kusakawa S, Kuroda T, Miura T, Tano K, Takada N, Matsuyama S, Matsuyama A, Nasu M, Umezawa A, Hayakawa T, Tsutsumi H, Sato Y. Tumorigenicity- associated characteristics of human iPS cell lines. PLoS One. 13(10):e0205022, 2018. Nakamura A, Kawano N, Motomura K, Kuroda A, Sekiguchi K, Miyado M, Kang W, Miyamoto Y, Hanai M, Iwai M, Yamada M, Hamatani T, Saito T, Saito H, Tanaka M, Umezawa A, Miyado K. Degradation of phosphate polymer polyP enhances lactic fermentation in mice. Genes Cells . 223(10):904-914, 2018. Nishino K, Arai Y, Takasawa K, Toyoda M, Yamazaki-Inoue M, Sugawara T, Akutsu H, Nishimura K, Ohtaka M, Nakanishi M, Umezawa A. Epigenetic-scale comparison of human iPSCs generated by retrovirus, Sendai virus or episomal vectors. Regen Ther. 9:71-78, 2018. Kang W, Ishida E, Yamatoya K, Nakamura A, Miyado M, Miyamoto Y, Iwai M, Tatsumi K, Saito T, Saito K, Kawano N, Hamatani T, Umezawa A, Miyado K, Saito H. Autophagy-disrupted LC3 abundance leads to death of supporting cells of human oocytes. Biochem Biophys Rep. 15:107-114, 2018. Sakai T, Naito AT, Kuramoto Y, Ito M, Okada K, Higo T, Nakagawa A, Shibamoto M, Yamaguchi T, Sumida T, Nomura S, Umezawa A, Miyagawa S, Sawa Y, Morita H, Lee JK, Shiojima I, Sakata Y, Komuro I. Phenotypic Screening Using Patient-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Identified Pyr3 as a Candidate Compound for the Treatment of Infantile Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Int Heart J. 59(5):1096-1105, 2018. Yoshida K, Kang W, Nakamura A, Kawano N, Hanai M, Miyado M, Miyamoto Y, Iwai M, Hamatani T, Saito H, Miyado K, Umezawa A. Ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 inhibitor PYR-41 retards sperm enlargement after fusion to the egg. Reprod Toxicol. 76:71-77, 2018. Bai F, Li Z, Umezawa A, Terada N, Jin S. Bacterial type III secretion system as a protein delivery tool for a broad range of biomedical applications. Biotechnol Adv. 36(2):482-493, 2018. Sugawara T, Sasaki K, Akutsu H. Organoids recapitulate organs? Stem Cell Investig. 5:3, 2018. Matsunari H, Watanabe M, Nakano K, Enosawa S, Umeyama K, Uchikura A, Yashima S, Fukuda T, Klymiuk N, Kurome M, Kessler B, Wuensch A, Zakhartchenko V, Wolf E, Hanazono Y, Nagaya M, Umezawa A, Nakauchi H, Nagashima H. Modeling lethal X-linked genetic disorders in pigs with ensured fertility. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 115(4):708-713, 2018. Fukuda A, Umezawa A, Akutsu H. Manipulation of Xist Imprinting in Mouse Preimplantation Embryos. Methods Mol Biol. 1861:47-53, 2018. Ishii T, Yin C, Seko Y, Umezawa A, Kaneda M. Variation in the Phenotype of Photosensitive Cells Produced from Human Fibroblast Cell Lines. J Nippon Med Sch. 85(2):110-116, 2018. Takasawa K, Arai Y, Yamazaki-Inoue M, Toyoda M, Akutsu H, Umezawa A, Nishino K. DNA hypermethylation enhanced telomerase reverse transcriptase expression in human-induced pluripotent stem cells. Hum Cell. 31(1):78-86, 2018. 2017 Wakui T, Matsumoto T, Matsubara K, Kawasaki T, Yamaguchi H, Akutsu H. Method for evaluation of human induced pluripotent stem cell quality using image analysis based on the biological morphology of cells. J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 4(4):044003, 2017. Ohno M, Fuchimoto Y, Hsu HC, Higuchi M, Komura M, Yamaoka T, Umezawa A, Enosawa S, Kuroda T. Airway reconstruction using decellularized tracheal allografts in a porcine model. Pediatr Surg Int. 33(10):1065-1071, 2017. Kuroda T, Yasuda S, Nakashima H, Takada N, Matsuyama S, Kusakawa S, Umezawa A, Matsuyama A, Kawamata S, Sato Y. Identification of a Gene Encoding Slow Skeletal Muscle Troponin T as a Novel Marker for Immortalization of Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells. Sci Rep. 7(1):8163, 2017. Kaneda S, Kawada J, Akutsu H, Ichida J, Ikeuchi Y, Fujii T. Compartmentalized embryoid body culture for induction of spatially patterned differentiation. Biomicrofluidics. 11(4):041101, 2017. 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