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メニュー ホーム 経団連について Policy(提言・報告書) Action(活動) 会長コメント/スピーチ お問い合わせはこちらから Policy(提言・報告書) 経済連携、貿易投資  B7サミット2021共同提言 経団連をはじめとするG7各国の経済団体は、2021年5月11~12日にG7ビジネス・サミット(B7、本年の議長は英国産業連盟(CBI))を開催し、以下の共同提言を発出しました。 B7 Summit 2021 Joint Statement Introduction Chapters A global recovery is dependent on global vaccination Restarting international mobility The road f rom crisis to recovery A competitive agenda for business to drive inclusive economic recovery A rebirth of the global trading system Tackling climate change and protecting the natural world Showing global digital leadership Seizing the moment B7 recommendations: Governments and business driving recovery and change Annex: B7 Policy Paper Recommendations B7 Trade Statement Principles and recommendations for G7 Trade Ministers Introduction Revitalising and refocusing the World Trade Organisation Combatting protectionism including in health Reorienting trade policy in favour of low carbon goods and services Building resilience and opportunities for SMEs B7 Digital Statement Principles and recommendations for G7 Digital Ministers Introduction Resilient network infrastructure through a diverse supply chain Free data flows, supported by data protection standards the public trust (‘data free flow with trust’) The strongest safeguards to keep public institutions, citizens, and businesses cybersecure A stable regulatory environment which promotes innovation, investment, and competition, while supporting democratic values Widespread alignment and adoption of tools to digitise trade and make it frictionless B7 Climate and Biodiversity Statement Principles and recommendations for G7 Climate Ministers Introduction The business climate ambition Action f rom governments The enablers for business action References --> 前 カテゴリトップ 次 カテゴリ一覧 ページトップへ ホーム 経団連について Policy(提言・報告書) Action(活動) 会長コメント/スピーチ 月刊経団連(PC表示) お知らせ ご意見・ご要望 個人情報保護 著作権、リンク等について リンク ENGLISH スマートフォンパソコン Copyright © 1995-2024. Keidanren. All Rights Reserved.

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