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--> TOP 学部紹介 学部長メッセージ 人材育成目的・学部ポリシー 教員紹介 数字で見る情報理工学部 資格・卒業後の進路 大連理工大学・立命館大学国際情報ソフトウェア学部 パンフレット紹介 自己評価・外部評価 学部紹介動画 学びの特色 情報理工学部の強み・特長 カリキュラム コース紹介 システムアーキテクトコース セキュリティ・ネットワークコース 社会システムデザインコース 実世界情報コース メディア情報コース 知能情報コース Information Systems Science and Engineering Course ユニット紹介 海外IT研修・海外インターンシップ 研究活動 在学生・卒業生の活躍 入試・学費 +MORE 「好き」×「ICT」で世界はきっと変えられる情報技術で「好き」を追求。学生それぞれのストーリー オープンキャンパス オープンキャンパス2023 オープンキャンパス2022 在学生の方へ 卒業生の方へ ENGLISH Victor KRYSSANOV Professor TOP 学部紹介 教員紹介 Victor KRYSSANOV Professor 教員データベースイー・ソサイエティ研究室facebookTwitter 所属学部 情報理工学部 職位 Professor 専門 e-Society, Complex Systems Theory, Human Interface 担当コース Information Systems Science and Engineering Course 主な担当科目 Statistical Analysis, Simulation, Modeling (1 and 2), Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Applied Informatics (1) 研究分野・テーマ Data Science, IoT, e-Society, Statistical Modeling and Simulation, Smart City and Smart Farming 過去の部活動 Soccer (Football) 得意な科目 Physics, Mathematics, Biology おすすめの書籍 not a particular one but would recommend reading science fiction books Message What are the appealing and interesting points of Information Science and Engineering?This is one of the largest ICT colleges in the world, providing high quality education in pretty much all areas of computer science and information technology. Its laboratories are equipped with everything necessary for conducting world leading-level research, while its classrooms are modern, clean, and convenient for both studying with and without instructors. Also, this is one of the most internationalized colleges in Japan, as it has many students, faculty members, and global collaborators literarily from all around the globe.How will the knowledge gained in the College of Information Science and Engineering be useful for students after graduation?The whole educational system of the College is built to prepare the students to deal with and successfully solve real-world problems. Through laboratory and project work, as well as through extracurricular activities, our students get numerous opportunities to acquire social and communication skills, in addition to professional knowledge, that help them enormously to find jobs fitting individual preferences and abilities, and to quickly adapt to and excel in their professional life.Please describe your major research, activities, and current research themes.My research focus has always been on how to make life better for both every single person and whole society. I studied human creativity and developed methods and systems for assisting people in solving complex problems in a creative way. Together with students, we developed advanced interfaces that help people with serious disabilities to use computer systems just as non-disabled people do. Also, we designed and developed systems to assist people in disastrous situations, such as earthquakes and fires, and to mitigate damages caused by the disasters. On the theoretical side, I have developed a mathematical theory of complex system representation that can be used to analyze any type of human communication, and to make better communication systems. My current research is about how to use computers to make our social life easier and better (reduce bureaucracy, increase safety but promote freedom, etc.) and also about how to enhance human individual abilities (to see unseen, reach unreachable, feel nonexistent, etc.)What are your expectations for new students entering the university? How would you like to see them progress during their time at the university?New students entering our college should prepare for hard work and patience: it takes a lot of time and effort to become a qualified ICT professional. I also expect our new students to be courageous and “hungry” to try new things and get new experience – these characteristics are essential for making a successful career in our field.Essentially, I would like to see two major changes in our students as they make progress during their study at the College: 1) When students learn basic professional knowledge and skills, they stop asking the teacher about how to do something and then, as they “mature” via project and laboratory work, they stop asking what to do – they become professionals ready to recognize and deal with real world problems. 2) As students recognize the complexity of real world problems, they learn to work in teams and solve the problems together, working with their peers and college external partners from Japan and around the world. 関連リンク 教員データベースイー・ソサイエティ研究室facebookTwitter 教員紹介一覧へ戻る 学部紹介 学部長メッセージ 人材育成目的・学部ポリシー 教員紹介 数字で見る情報理工学部 資格・卒業後の進路 大連理工大学・立命館大学国際情報ソフトウェア学部 パンフレット紹介 自己評価・外部評価 学部紹介動画 Page Top 入試情報 立命館大学 大学院 情報理工学研究科 情報理工学部パンフレット Downloads 2024年 大阪いばらきキャンパス新展開 このサイトについて プライバシーポリシー アクセス お問い合わせ © Ritsumeikan Univ. All rights reserved.

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